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"Your book arrived on Saturday - it is so fabulous, I can't tell you... There was not a page in the book that I did not want to read to someone immediately. In fact, I will be ordering many copies to give to friends and associates. I think the book is so inspirationsl that everyone will read it and take many things away with them -- optimism -- hope -- a renewal of life -- and a new strength to deal with their everyday lives."

"Although things aren't right for the world, the timing is right for this book."

"Just a note to tell you that my son Jon, a clinical psychologist in Newport, Rhode Island, was so pleased with your book that he has chosen to put it in his waiting room to share those good thoughts with his patients."

"I also read your new book "FOOD…for Thought". A very nice collection of wisdom and things to think about. "We do not inherit the world from our ancestors - we borrow it from our children," and "A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out," are two quotes I will be using."

"FOOD…for Thought" is full of pithy statements and good advice. "I don't believe in collective guilt, but I do believe in collective responsibility," by Audrey Hepburn . And actress Jane Alexander's "Why are the arts important? Because every time a kid picks up a clarinet, or a saxophone, or a violin, they're not picking up a gun." What a good choice that is!"

"And when I heard that Washington wanted to cut the education budget, I thought about the quote in your book by Derek Bok: "If you think education is expensive, try ignorance." So many of the problems that afflict our world today stem from ignorance - how profound, and appropriate, that is!"
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